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Course Timing

1st Year- 1st Semester


Venere Ferraro, Emanuela Maggioni

About Basics of Interaction Design

The course will cover the theories of Interaction Design by focusing on the integration of design with technology and behavioural sciences.  From “Theories and tools for Interaction design “perspective it will focus on the different components of user experience in the interaction with dynamic systems. It will face how emerging and smart technologies can change interaction modalities with interactive systems and user behaviour exploiting a user-centred approach. It will overview the Interaction design principles and practices by supporting them with case studies.   The “Contextual Inquiry and user studies” side will provide theoretical and practical knowledge on behavioural, cognitive and neurophysiologic principles applied to understanding what is driving the user experience in interactive contexts and as consumers.   An introduction to cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and decision-making processes will be presented together with practical tools to measure and apply such processes to design interactive products and experiences, in multisensory real and digital environments, with a user-centred approach.

Guest Speakers of the Course

Dr. Elia Gatti from Amazon AI UX

Dr. Ali Israr from Facebook Reality Labs – Engineer and Architect in Haptics UX.

Daria Loi-Head of Design & People Experiences-Mozilla.

Alessia Moltani-CEO and Founder of Comftech.